Monday, November 23, 2009

Kabar Terakhir KPK : Sikap SBY Soal KPK dan Century / Last news KPK : SBY's Decision About KPK and Century

Edisi Bahasa Indonesia di Bawahnya

November , 23, 2009. As usual, when appearing in public, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) coherent in giving explanations. But, his appearance last night when delivering his leadership in responding to the case of Bibit Samad Rianto and Chandra Hamzah, not enough to satisfy the public.

Similarly, the Century Bank scandal, a number of parties considered the attitude SBY also still floating. In cases of Bibit - Chandra, SBY asks not proceed to trial. According to the president, termination of the case should be done because people have not believed in the Police and the Attorney General.

"Therefore, solutions and other options that could better be implemented is the police and prosecutors did not bring this case to court, keeping in mind the principle of justice. However, it should be done immediately corrective actions and improvements to the three important institutions, namely Police, Attorney General, and the KPK, "said SBY at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta.

Last night the president spoke for thirty minutes with the help of TelePrompTer starting at 20:00 pm. When the speech was read, was also attended by Coordinating Minister Polhukam Djoko Suyanto, Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa, State Secretary Sudi Silalahi, human rights Menkum Patrialis Akbar, Tifatul Sembiring, and Alifian Andi Mallarangeng.

SBY says, at first, he insisted that the case of Chandra and Bibit should proceed to trial. Condition, the process of investigation and prosecution of a public trust.

"At first I had principle this, with a record of the investigation and prosecution have a strong public trust. Of course the process of investigation and prosecution is fair, objective, and accompanied by strong strong," said SBY.

In the process, he continued, it emerged that a large distrust for the police and the Attorney General. Thus, according to the president, this issue has entered the social sphere, and even aspects of the life of the larger society.

"Therefore, the factors that I consider not only the law enforcement process itself, but also other factors such as public opinion, the integrity of our community, utility, and the possibility of essentially different between the law and justice," said SBY.

Unfortunately, the way in which to stop the case, SBY is not expressly ordered National Police and the Attorney General to issue a letter of termination of the investigation process (SP3), letter of termination of the prosecution's decision (SKPP), or deponirize case. The President said he could not enter the area.

"Since the termination of the investigation in the area investigating agencies, the Police, or the termination of the authority claims the prosecutor agencies, prosecutors, and the exclusion principle of the case through the implementation of opportunity is the authority the Attorney General," said SBY.

The President only instructing Police and Attorney General to bring order, correct, and improve their respective institutions. The President also wished the Commission to do the same thing.

SBY add, after the completion of Chandra and Bibit cases, legal reform must be completed. He reminded, in a hundred-day program of the cabinet, he has set the movement to eradicate mafia law as a priority. For that, SBY claims have formed a task force that will eradicate mafia law.

"In this regard, I welcome the recommendations Eight team and also the voices of the community at large so that no legal cases, particularly the eradication of corruption is shelved in the KPK, or also in the Police and the Attorney General's office," said SBY.

SBY says if not enough evidence, a case must be stopped. Conversely, if sufficient evidence, the case should proceed. "This is to avoid the impression of discrimination and selective logging in the eradication of corruption. Moreover, if this pemetiesan associated with mafia practices were legal," said the president.

Century Scandal

At the beginning of his speech, SBY specifically mention the case of Century Bank. After receiving the results of investigation BPK, SBY asks the Minister of Finance and Bank Indonesia provides an explanation and clarification.

"I really want openness and accountability can be established together. I also want all the rumors, lies, and slander can be removed by way of presenting the facts and the truth," said SBY.

The President also welcomed the proposal of the Parliament members to use their rights against the Bank Century poll. "Along with the use of the rights questionnaire by the House of Representatives, I will also do a number of steps the government's internal actions, set out from the results and findings of the examination of those BPK investigation," he said.

SBY also requested acceleration of the legal process for the managers of Century Bank. Thus, fund capital Rp 6.7 trillion could be immediately returned to the state. "I have instructed the Attorney General and the Police to carry out this important task," he said.

The President said, the action against the Bank Century conducted during the global economic situation and national crisis struck. SBY said that the government and Bank Indonesia in November 2008 and should be associated with a crisis situation and context. "So it is not considered normal," he explained.

SBY adding, saving and capital while the Bank Century and legal actions against the managers aim to prevent the banking crisis and the economy.

"Even when the process of decision-making made parties who have authority and duty to the task I was overseas, I understand the situation in the country, along with a series of efforts to rescue banks and our economy," said SBY.

Overall, of the five recommendations Eight team, only a recommendation to stop the case of Chandra and Bibit that ignored the president. That, too, the president did not directly choose the option strict termination cases, the reason he was not authorized.

The second recommendation in the form of sanctions against the responsible officials are not mentioned. The President only asked for Police and the Attorney General to fix the institution.

For the third recommendation in the form of a case a broker eradication, eradication programs SBY touch legal mafia that has been done. Recommendations to check technocrats and Ari Anggodo Muladi not mention the president.

Similarly, a fourth recommendation to dituntaskannya related cases, no mention of the president. The fifth recommendation of the State Commission to fix the law enforcement agencies, has not ignored the president. SBY only call has formed a task force under the President's Working Unit for the next two years to eradicate mafia duty law.

Edisi Bahasa Indonesia

Seperti biasanya, saat tampil di depan publik, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) runtut dalam memberikan penjelasan. Tapi, penampilannya malam tadi saat menyampaikan sikapnya dalam menanggapi kasus pimpinan nonaktif KPK Bibit Samad Rianto dan Chandra Marta Hamzah, tak cukup memuaskan publik.

Begitu pula pada skandal Bank Century, sejumlah pihak menilai sikap SBY juga masih mengambang. Soal kasus Bibit-Chandra, SBY meminta tidak dilanjutkan ke pengadilan. Menurut presiden, penghentian kasus itu mesti dilakukan karena masyarakat sudah tidak percaya kepada Polri dan Kejaksaan Agung.

"Karena itu, solusi dan opsi lain yang lebih baik yang dapat ditempuh adalah pihak kepolisian dan kejaksaan tidak membawa kasus ini ke pengadilan, dengan tetap mempertimbangkan asas keadilan. Namun, perlu segera dilakukan tindakan-tindakan korektif dan perbaikan terhadap ketiga lembaga penting itu, yaitu Polri, Kejaksaan Agung, dan KPK," kata SBY di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta.

Malam tadi presiden berpidato tiga puluh menit dengan bantuan teleprompter mulai pukul 20.00 WIB. Saat pidato dibacakan, hadir pula Menko Polhukam Djoko Suyanto, Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa, Mensesneg Sudi Silalahi, Menkum HAM Patrialis Akbar, Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring, dan Menpora Andi Alifian Mallarangeng.

SBY mengatakan, pada mulanya, dia berpendirian bahwa kasus Chandra dan Bibit sebaiknya dilanjutkan ke pengadilan. Syaratnya, proses penyidikan dan penuntutan mendapat kepercayaan publik.

"Semula saya memiliki pendirian seperti ini, dengan catatan proses penyidikan dan penuntutan mendapatkan kepercayaan publik yang kuat. Tentu saja proses penyidikan dan penuntutan itu fair, objektif, dan disertai bukti-bukti yang kuat," beber SBY.

Dalam perkembangannya, dia melanjutkan, justru muncul ketidakpercayaan yang besar kepada Polri dan Kejaksaan Agung. Sehingga, menurut presiden, masalah ini telah masuk ranah sosial, dan bahkan ranah kehidupan masyarakat yang lebih besar.

"Karena itu, faktor yang saya pertimbangkan bukan hanya proses penegakan hukum itu sendiri, tapi juga faktor-faktor lain seperti pendapat umum, keutuhan masyarakat kita, asas manfaat, serta kemungkinan berbedanya secara hakiki antara hukum dan keadilan," kata SBY.

Sayang, mengenai cara yang ditempuh untuk menghentikan perkara, SBY tidak tegas memerintahkan Kapolri dan Jaksa Agung untuk menerbitkan surat penghentian proses penyidikan (SP3), surat keputusan penghentian penuntutan (SKPP), atau mendeponir perkara. Presiden mengatakan, dirinya tidak boleh memasuki wilayah itu.

"Karena penghentian penyidikan berada di wilayah lembaga penyidik, Polri, atau penghentian tuntutan merupakan kewenangan lembaga penuntut, kejaksaan, serta pengesampingan perkara melalui pelaksanaan asas oportunitas merupakan kewenangan Jaksa Agung," kata SBY.

Presiden hanya menginstruksi Kapolri dan Jaksa Agung untuk menertibkan, membenahi, dan memperbaiki institusi masing-masing. Presiden juga berharap KPK melakukan hal yang sama.

SBY menambahkan, setelah penyelesaian kasus Chandra dan Bibit, reformasi di bidang hukum harus dituntaskan. Dia mengingatkan, dalam program seratus hari kabinet, dia telah menetapkan gerakan pemberantasan mafia hukum sebagai prioritas utama. Untuk itu, SBY mengaku telah membentuk satuan tugas yang akan memberantas mafia hukum.

"Dalam kaitan ini, saya menyambut baik rekomendasi Tim Delapan dan juga suara-suara dari masyarakat luas agar tidak ada kasus-kasus hukum, utamanya pemberantasan korupsi yang dipetieskan di KPK, atau juga di Polri dan Kejaksaan Agung," kata SBY.

SBY mengatakan, jika tak cukup bukti, suatu kasus harus dihentikan. Sebaliknya, jika cukup bukti, kasus itu mesti dilanjutkan. "Hal ini untuk menghindari kesan adanya diskriminasi dan tebang pilih dalam pemberantasan korupsi. Apalagi, kalau pemetiesan ini berkaitan dengan praktik-praktik mafia hukum tadi," kata presiden.

Skandal Century

Di bagian awal pidatonya, SBY secara khusus menyinggung kasus Bank Century. Setelah menerima hasil pemeriksaan investigasi BPK, SBY meminta Menteri Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia memberikan penjelasan dan klarifikasi.

"Saya sungguh ingin keterbukaan dan akuntabilitas dapat kita tegakkan bersama. Saya juga ingin semua desas-desus, kebohongan, dan fitnah dapat disingkirkan dengan cara menghadirkan fakta dan kebenaran yang sesungguhnya," kata SBY.

Presiden juga menyambut baik usul sejumlah anggota DPR RI untuk menggunakan hak angket terhadap Bank Century. "Bersamaan dengan penggunaan hak angket oleh DPR RI tersebut, saya juga akan melakukan sejumlah langkah tindakan internal pemerintah, berangkat dari hasil dan temuan pemeriksaan investigasi BPK tersebut," katanya.

SBY juga meminta percepatan proses hukum bagi para pengelola Bank Century. Dengan demikian, dana penyertaan modal Rp 6,7 triliun bisa segera dikembalikan kepada negara. "Saya telah menginstruksi Jaksa Agung dan Kapolri untuk melaksanakan tugas penting ini," ujarnya.

Presiden mengatakan, tindakan terhadap Bank Century dilakukan saat situasi perekonomian global dan nasional diterpa krisis. SBY mengatakan, yang dilakukan pemerintah dan BI pada November 2008 lalu mesti dikaitkan dengan situasi dan konteks krisis. "Sehingga tidak dianggap keadaannya normal-normal saja," jelasnya.

SBY menambahkan, penyelamatan dan penyertaan modal sementara ke Bank Century dan tindakan hukum terhadap pengelolanya bertujuan mencegah terjadinya krisis perbankan dan perekonomian.

"Meskipun ketika berlangsungnya proses pengambilan keputusan yang dilakukan pihak-pihak yang memiliki kewenangan dan tugas untuk itu saya sedang mengemban tugas di luar negeri, saya memahami situasi yang ada di tanah air, beserta rangkaian upaya menyelamatkan perbankan dan perekonomian kita," beber SBY.

Secara keseluruhan, dari lima rekomendasi Tim Delapan, hanya rekomendasi untuk menghentikan kasus Chandra dan Bibit yang diindahkan presiden. Itu pun, presiden tidak tegas langsung memilih opsi penghentian kasus, dengan alasan dia tidak berwenang.

Rekomendasi kedua berupa sanksi terhadap pejabat yang bertanggung jawab tidak disinggung. Presiden hanya meminta Kapolri dan Jaksa Agung membenahi institusinya.

Untuk rekomendasi ketiga berupa pemberantasan makelar kasus, SBY menyinggung program pemberantasan mafia hukum yang telah dilakukan. Rekomendasi untuk memeriksa Anggodo Widjojo dan Ari Muladi juga tidak disinggung presiden.

Begitu pula rekomendasi keempat agar dituntaskannya kasus terkait, tidak disinggung presiden. Rekomendasi kelima berupa pembentukan Komisi Negara untuk membenahi lembaga penegak hukum, belum digubris presiden. SBY hanya menyebut telah membentuk satuan tugas di bawah Unit Kerja Presiden yang selama dua tahun ke depan bertugas memberantas mafia hukum.

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