english version below these articles
Kalsium dan Kanker Prostat
Para pria berhati-hatilah dengan kalsium yang berlebihan. Karena menurut analisis terbaru yang dilakukan oleh Wake Forest University School of Medicine dan University of Wisconsin, kadar kalsium yang berlebihan di dalam aliran darah laki-laki bisa meningkatkan resiko kanker prostat yang serius. “Hal ini terjadi karena distribusi serum kalsium sudah diatas kadar normal,” ujar Gary G. Schwartz, Ph.D, Assoc. Professor pada bidang Epidemiologi dan Biologi Kanker pada Wake Forest University.
Hasil riset yang dirilis dalam jurnal American Association for Cancer Research, menyebutkan 2.184 laki-laki yang menjadi sukarelawan, diteliti dan diukur kadar kalsium dalam darahnya kurang lebih sembilan tahun sebelum terdiagnosis kanker prostat.
Dari keseluruhan sukarelawan, peneliti memfokuskan pada 85 kasus kanker prostat dan 25 kasus kematian yang disebabkan kanker ini. Mereka dibagi berdasarkan tingkatan serum kalsiumnya. “Ternyata, kami mendapatkan hasil yang signifikan terhadap besarnya peluang kanker prostat,” imbuh Halcyon G. Skinner, peneliti lainnya. Menurutnya, hasil laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa baik kalsium maupun hormon parathyroid bisa memicu pertumbuhan sel kanker prostat. Kadar kalsium yang aman di dalam darah adalah di bawah 7 mg/desiliter dan jika diatas 14 mg bisa menyebabkan koma.
Sumber : Koran Tempo, 11 September 2008
Pasangan Hidup Mirip Orang Tua
Baik pria maupun perempuan memiliki kecenderungan memilih pasangan hidupnya yang bentuk wajahnya mirip dengan orang tua mereka.
Tamas Bereczkei dari Universitas Pecs, Hongaria, meneliti 52 keluarga. Penelitian itu melibatkan keluarga dan calon menantu mereka.
Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan sang anak akan memilih bentuk wajah yang mirip dengan orang tuanya. Misalnya, sang anak, seorang perempuan akan memilih pasangannya yang wajahnya mirip dengan ayahnya, begitu juga sebaliknya dengan pria.
Menurut penelitian tersebut, kemiripan itu terletak antara bibir, dagu, dan hidung antara calon mertua dan sang menantu.
Tamas juga mengatakan meski ada hubungan buruk sang anak dengan salah satu orang tua mereka, hal itu tidak akan mempengaruhi penilaian mereka terhadap pasangan. Menurutnya, mereka akan tetap memilih bentuk wajah orang tuanya.
“Hubungan antara anak dan orang tua yang sudah terjalin dalam waktu lama akan mempengaruhi pola pikir. Hal itu tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap factor gen,” kata Tamas
Sumber : Media Indonesia, 09 September 2008
Begadang Segarkan Otak
Begadang ternyata mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir dan hormon kesenangan dalam otak anda. Demikian hasil penelitian dari Nora Volkow, Direktur Institut Penyalahgunaan Narkotika Nasional dan rekan-rekannya di AS.
Penelitian itu melibatkan 15 partisipan yang sehat. Sebagian dari mereka diminta tetap terjaga semalaman, sedangkan yang lainnya diizinkan untuk tidur. Pada pagi harinya, studi dilanjutkan dengan menilai tingkat keletihan para partisipan serta menguji kinerja kognitif partisipan terhadap perhatian visual dan daya ingat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mereka yang begadang mampu menyelesaikan test kognitif dengan benar dan kemampuan mengingat mereka juga meningkat, sedangkan partisipan yang tidur tidak mengalami peningkatan apapun.
“Selain itu, hasil penelitian juga membuktikan bahwa hormon kesenangan pada mereka yang begadang meningkat karena tingkat depresi dalam pikiran menurun,” ujar Nora
Sumber : Media Indonesia
Calcium and Prostate Cancer
Gentlemen, please be careful with excessive calcium. Because according to the newest analysis that was carried out by Wake Forest University School of Medicine and University of Wisconsin, the level of calcium that was abundant in the male blood circulation could increase the risk of serious prostate cancer. “this thing happened because of the distribution of the calcium serum already above the level of normal,” said Gary G. Schwartz, Ph.D, Assoc. The professor to the Epidemiology field and Kanker Biology to Wake Forest University.
Results of the research that was released in the journal of American Association for Cancer Research, mentioned 2,184 men who became the volunteer, were researched and measured the level of calcium in his blood approximately nine years before was diagnosed by prostate cancer.
From the volunteer's whole, the researcher focussed in 85 cases of prostate cancer and 25 cases of the death that was caused by this cancer. They were divided was based on his stage of the calcium serum. “In fact, we got results that were significant towards the size of the cancer opportunity prostat,” added Halcyon G. Skinner, the other researcher. According to him, results of the laboratory showed that both calcium and the hormone parathyroid could trigger the growth of the cell of prostate cancer. The level of calcium that was safe in blood was below 7 mg/decilitre and if above 14 mg could cause the comma.
Source: Koran Tempo, September 11 2008
The Living Couple Was Similar To Parents
The man and the woman had the trend to choose his life couple that the form of his face resembled their parents.
Tamas Bereczkei from the Pecs University, Hongaria, researched 52 families. The research involved the family and their prospective son-in-law.
Results of this research showed the existence of the trend the child will choose the form of the face that resembled his parents. For example, the child, a woman will choose his couple that his face resembled his father, even so conversely in a male manner.
According to this research, the resemblance was located between the lip, the chin, and the nose between the prospective parent-in-law and the son-in-law.
Tamas also said although having bad relations the child with one of their parents, that will not influence their assessment against the couple. According to him, they will continue to choose the form of the face of his parents.
“The relationship between the child and parents who have been established in a long time will affect the pattern thought. That will not be influential against factor gen,” Tamas said
Source: Media Indonesian, September 09, 2008
Stay Up All Night Refresh The Brain
Stay up all night evidently could increase the capacity to think and the happiness hormone in your brain. Was like this results of the research of Nora Volkow, Director of Institute Abuse of National Narcotics and his colleagues in the USA.
The research involved 15 healthy participants. Some of the they were asked to continue to be awakened for a night, whereas that was other was permitted to sleep. The following morning, the study was continued by considering the level of the fatigue of the participants as well as testing the cognitive achievement of participants towards visual attention and the power remembered.
Results of the research pointed them who stayed up all night out could resolve test cognitive correctly and the capacity remembered them also increased, whereas participants who slept did not experience the increase anything.
“Besides that, results of the research also proved that the happiness hormone to them who stayed up all night increased because of the level of depression in thoughts decline,” said Nora
Source: Media Indonesia
Para pria berhati-hatilah dengan kalsium yang berlebihan. Karena menurut analisis terbaru yang dilakukan oleh Wake Forest University School of Medicine dan University of Wisconsin, kadar kalsium yang berlebihan di dalam aliran darah laki-laki bisa meningkatkan resiko kanker prostat yang serius. “Hal ini terjadi karena distribusi serum kalsium sudah diatas kadar normal,” ujar Gary G. Schwartz, Ph.D, Assoc. Professor pada bidang Epidemiologi dan Biologi Kanker pada Wake Forest University.
Hasil riset yang dirilis dalam jurnal American Association for Cancer Research, menyebutkan 2.184 laki-laki yang menjadi sukarelawan, diteliti dan diukur kadar kalsium dalam darahnya kurang lebih sembilan tahun sebelum terdiagnosis kanker prostat.
Dari keseluruhan sukarelawan, peneliti memfokuskan pada 85 kasus kanker prostat dan 25 kasus kematian yang disebabkan kanker ini. Mereka dibagi berdasarkan tingkatan serum kalsiumnya. “Ternyata, kami mendapatkan hasil yang signifikan terhadap besarnya peluang kanker prostat,” imbuh Halcyon G. Skinner, peneliti lainnya. Menurutnya, hasil laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa baik kalsium maupun hormon parathyroid bisa memicu pertumbuhan sel kanker prostat. Kadar kalsium yang aman di dalam darah adalah di bawah 7 mg/desiliter dan jika diatas 14 mg bisa menyebabkan koma.
Sumber : Koran Tempo, 11 September 2008
Pasangan Hidup Mirip Orang Tua
Baik pria maupun perempuan memiliki kecenderungan memilih pasangan hidupnya yang bentuk wajahnya mirip dengan orang tua mereka.
Tamas Bereczkei dari Universitas Pecs, Hongaria, meneliti 52 keluarga. Penelitian itu melibatkan keluarga dan calon menantu mereka.
Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan sang anak akan memilih bentuk wajah yang mirip dengan orang tuanya. Misalnya, sang anak, seorang perempuan akan memilih pasangannya yang wajahnya mirip dengan ayahnya, begitu juga sebaliknya dengan pria.
Menurut penelitian tersebut, kemiripan itu terletak antara bibir, dagu, dan hidung antara calon mertua dan sang menantu.
Tamas juga mengatakan meski ada hubungan buruk sang anak dengan salah satu orang tua mereka, hal itu tidak akan mempengaruhi penilaian mereka terhadap pasangan. Menurutnya, mereka akan tetap memilih bentuk wajah orang tuanya.
“Hubungan antara anak dan orang tua yang sudah terjalin dalam waktu lama akan mempengaruhi pola pikir. Hal itu tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap factor gen,” kata Tamas
Sumber : Media Indonesia, 09 September 2008
Begadang Segarkan Otak
Begadang ternyata mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir dan hormon kesenangan dalam otak anda. Demikian hasil penelitian dari Nora Volkow, Direktur Institut Penyalahgunaan Narkotika Nasional dan rekan-rekannya di AS.
Penelitian itu melibatkan 15 partisipan yang sehat. Sebagian dari mereka diminta tetap terjaga semalaman, sedangkan yang lainnya diizinkan untuk tidur. Pada pagi harinya, studi dilanjutkan dengan menilai tingkat keletihan para partisipan serta menguji kinerja kognitif partisipan terhadap perhatian visual dan daya ingat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mereka yang begadang mampu menyelesaikan test kognitif dengan benar dan kemampuan mengingat mereka juga meningkat, sedangkan partisipan yang tidur tidak mengalami peningkatan apapun.
“Selain itu, hasil penelitian juga membuktikan bahwa hormon kesenangan pada mereka yang begadang meningkat karena tingkat depresi dalam pikiran menurun,” ujar Nora
Sumber : Media Indonesia
Calcium and Prostate Cancer
Gentlemen, please be careful with excessive calcium. Because according to the newest analysis that was carried out by Wake Forest University School of Medicine and University of Wisconsin, the level of calcium that was abundant in the male blood circulation could increase the risk of serious prostate cancer. “this thing happened because of the distribution of the calcium serum already above the level of normal,” said Gary G. Schwartz, Ph.D, Assoc. The professor to the Epidemiology field and Kanker Biology to Wake Forest University.
Results of the research that was released in the journal of American Association for Cancer Research, mentioned 2,184 men who became the volunteer, were researched and measured the level of calcium in his blood approximately nine years before was diagnosed by prostate cancer.
From the volunteer's whole, the researcher focussed in 85 cases of prostate cancer and 25 cases of the death that was caused by this cancer. They were divided was based on his stage of the calcium serum. “In fact, we got results that were significant towards the size of the cancer opportunity prostat,” added Halcyon G. Skinner, the other researcher. According to him, results of the laboratory showed that both calcium and the hormone parathyroid could trigger the growth of the cell of prostate cancer. The level of calcium that was safe in blood was below 7 mg/decilitre and if above 14 mg could cause the comma.
Source: Koran Tempo, September 11 2008
The Living Couple Was Similar To Parents
The man and the woman had the trend to choose his life couple that the form of his face resembled their parents.
Tamas Bereczkei from the Pecs University, Hongaria, researched 52 families. The research involved the family and their prospective son-in-law.
Results of this research showed the existence of the trend the child will choose the form of the face that resembled his parents. For example, the child, a woman will choose his couple that his face resembled his father, even so conversely in a male manner.
According to this research, the resemblance was located between the lip, the chin, and the nose between the prospective parent-in-law and the son-in-law.
Tamas also said although having bad relations the child with one of their parents, that will not influence their assessment against the couple. According to him, they will continue to choose the form of the face of his parents.
“The relationship between the child and parents who have been established in a long time will affect the pattern thought. That will not be influential against factor gen,” Tamas said
Source: Media Indonesian, September 09, 2008
Stay Up All Night Refresh The Brain
Stay up all night evidently could increase the capacity to think and the happiness hormone in your brain. Was like this results of the research of Nora Volkow, Director of Institute Abuse of National Narcotics and his colleagues in the USA.
The research involved 15 healthy participants. Some of the they were asked to continue to be awakened for a night, whereas that was other was permitted to sleep. The following morning, the study was continued by considering the level of the fatigue of the participants as well as testing the cognitive achievement of participants towards visual attention and the power remembered.
Results of the research pointed them who stayed up all night out could resolve test cognitive correctly and the capacity remembered them also increased, whereas participants who slept did not experience the increase anything.
“Besides that, results of the research also proved that the happiness hormone to them who stayed up all night increased because of the level of depression in thoughts decline,” said Nora
Source: Media Indonesia
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