Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Daftar Pemenang Nobel Ekonomi, Perdamaian, Kimia, Fisika, Sastra Tahun 2009

Edisi Bahasa Indonesia di Bawahnya

Nobel Prize in Economics. Elinor Ostrom, and Oliver Williamson, from the United States (U.S.), the same award-winning 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics for their research on the role of social institutions that can prevent conflict. Ostrom even the first woman to receive a gift in this category.

Nobel Peace Prize. Obama was announced as the Nobel Peace Prize by the Norwegian Nobel Committee on Friday, October 9, 2009, his commitment to take diplomatic steps in dealing with problems and reduce nuclear weapons in the world. Many parties considered this award too early.

Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said the work of Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas Steitz, and Ada Yonath is associated with ribosomes foundation for understanding life. The three researchers will share a prize of U.S. $ 1.4 million.

Nobel Prize in Physics. Three scientists United States (U.S.) shared the Nobel Prize in Physics, Tuesday (6 / 10). They created the technology behind digital photography and managed to help connect the world through fiber-optic network.

Charles K. Kao received the award for breakthrough associated with the transmission of light through optical fibers. While Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith found a semiconductor circuit known as the CCD sensor.

Nobel Prize in Literature. Women from minority ethnic Germans in Romania are oppressed because of the critical picture of life presented under communist rule, Herta Mueller, was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 2009. This award acceptance, Thursday (8 / 10), the Swedish Academy as a memorial to the collapse of communism 20 years.

Edisi Bahasa Indonesia

Nobel Ekonomi Elinor Ostrom dan Oliver Williamson, asal Amerika Serikat (AS), sama memperoleh penghargaan Nobel Ekonomi 2009 atas penelitian mereka mengenai peran institusi kemasyarakatan yang dapat mencegah konflik. Ostrom bahkan merupakan perempuan pertama yang mendapat anugerah di katagori ini.

Nobel Perdamaian Obama diumumkan sebagai peraih Nobel Perdamaian oleh Komisi Nobel Norwegia pada Jumat, 9 Oktober 2009, atas komitmennya mengambil langkah diplomasi dalam menghadapi masalah dan mengurangi senjata nuklir di dunia. Banyak pihak menilai pemberian penghargaan ini terlalu dini.

Nobel Kimia Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences mengatakan karya Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas Steitz, dan Ada Yonath berkaitan dengan ribosom merupakan pondasi untuk memahami kehidupan. Tiga peneliti ini akan berbagi hadiah sebesar US$ 1,4 juta.

Nobel Fisika Tiga ilmuwan Amerika Serikat (AS) berbagi Penghargaan Nobel Fisika, Selasa (6/10). Mereka menciptakan teknologi di balik fotografi digital dan berhasil membantu menghubungkan dunia melalui jaringan serat optik.

Charles K. Kao mendapat penghargaan atas terobosan berkaitan dengan transmisi cahaya melalui serat optik. Sementara Willard S. Boyle dan George E. Smith menemukan sirkuit semikonduktor yang dikenal sebagai sensor CCD.

Nobel Sastra Perempuan asal etnis minoritas Jerman di Rumania yang ditindas karena kritis menyajikan gambaran kehidupan di bawah kekuasaan komunis, Herta Mueller, dianugerahi Nobel sastra untuk 2009. Penghargaan ini diterimanya, Kamis (8/10), dari Akademi Swedia sebagai peringatan 20 tahun runtuhnya komunisme.