Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lowongan Kerja : Harian Surya

HARIAN SURYA (Kompas Gramedia Corporation), media massa yang terbit di Jawa Timur, membuka kesempatan bagi calon profesional muda yang berkualitas, berjiwa aktif dan menyukai tantangan untuk bergabung sebagai :

Staf Pemasaran Percetakan ( PP )
· Min D3 segala jurusan
· Penampilan menarik dan komunikatif
· Pekerja keras
· Memiliki jaringan luas
· Memiliki SIM & kendaraan sendiri
· Dapat bekerja secara tim maupun mandiri

Staf Teknik Informatika ( TI )
· Min D3 Informatika
· Menguasai program Data Base : SQL, Power Builder
· Menguasai program OS Windows, Linux, Access
· Usia tidak lebih 27 tahun
· Bisa membuat website & paham teknologi komputer
· Bersedia bekerja shift
· Dapat bekerja secara tim maupun mandiri

Tulis lamaran & CV, sertakan pula foto, ijazah/ surat keterangan lulus & transkrip nilai.
Kirim ke PSDM Harian Surya Jl. Margorejo Indah D-108 Surabaya.
Maksimal 31 Januari 2009
Tulis kode pilihan di sudut kiri atas amplop/ surat lamaran !

CVs and cover letters
Taking time to write the best CV and cover letter you can is crucial to clinching the job you want. Our advice and templates are a great starting point.

But, if you’re in a rush, try these ten CV tips for size:

1. Make your CV reflect the job description of the job you’re applying for.
If it asked for five main qualities, make sure they’re on the first page.

2. Put your name on each page of the CV.
Pages can get detached, plus it’s easier for the employer.

3. Reflect the words used in the job description and job advertisement.
If they talk about "human resources" don’t refer to your time in "personnel".

4. Put down your highest level of appropriate qualification.
Unless you are just starting your career, you don’t need to put down your school.

5. Highlight achievements relevant to the position.
You could say: "was a member of the top billing sales team in the country".

6. Consider writing a "personal profile" or summary of yourself.
For example: "A degree-qualified researcher specialising in European and legal matters."

7. Don't leave out useful skills.
The fact that you can speak French, have a computer driving licence or regular driving licence are all worth putting down.

8. Tailor each CV to the job you are applying for.
For example, if you apply for the same role in a large firm and with a niche player you will want to produce two different CVs. The first will highlight your experience working for large businesses; the second will demonstrate how you work in small teams.

9. If you have gaps in your employment show your job history in years rather than months.
But if it’s a large period of time when you did something else, like had a child travelled overseas, you can stress the positive outcomes of these experiences

10. Make everything positive on your CV.
This includes learning from negative experiences. Your CV should convey a sense of vitality and confidence.

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