Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kabar Terakhir Gempa Sumatera Barat - Update News From West Sumatera Earthquake

Edisi Bahasa Indonesia di bawah tulisan ini

Thursday, 01 October 2009, 07.36 pm. Based on the record of Crisis Centers for Disease Control Ministry of Health, Jakarta, the death toll has reached 75 people. The number is still going to increase, as expected there are still many people who piled up the building collapsed due to earthquake shocks.

SR 7.6 earthquake shook the Pariaman, West Sumatra. An earthquake measuring large enough that occurred at a depth of 71 kilometers.

Information from Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics, SR 7.6 earthquake occurred at 17:16:09 pm, Wednesday, September 30, 2009.

The earthquake occurred at 0.84 south latitude location and 99.65 East Longitude. The epicenter was in the 57 kilometers southwest of Pariaman, West Sumatra.

Shocks to the earthquake was also felt in Padang Sidempuan, North Sumatra. This is justified Hasibuan, residents of Padang Sidempuan. According to him, during the earthquake, the roofs of houses visible shake. Residents panicked and left the house. Now, some residents there who had entered the house. Others are still visible on the streets for fear of aftershocks occurred. According Hasibuan, so far locations around his home in Padang Sidempuan, have not seen any damage.

While based on the reports Antara News Agency, residents and the surrounding city of Jambi was also surprised by the earthquake shocks. The shock that shook the chandeliers are made of people running out to save himself.

Head of Meteorology and Climatology Geophysics Remus L. Jambi Province Tobing justify the earthquake has occurred with a fairly strong shocks. However, no potential earthquake-tsunami. Not yet obtained information of damage or casualties from the earthquake shock which was felt in several districts in Jambi, Bengkulu and Aceh

Indonesian Version

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009, 07.36 WIB. Berdasarkan catatan Pusat Pengendalian Krisis Departemen Kesehatan, Jakarta, jumlah korban tewas sudah mencapai 75 orang. Jumlah itu masih akan bertambah, karena diperkirakan masih banyak warga yang tertimbun bangunan runtuh akibat goncangan gempa.

Gempa 7,6 SR mengguncang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat. Gempa berkekuatan yang cukup besar itu terjadi di kedalaman 71 kilometer.

Informasi dari Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika, gempa 7,6 SR itu terjadi pada pukul 17.16.09 WIB, Rabu, 30 September 2009.

Gempa terjadi di lokasi 0.84 Lintang Selatan dan 99.65 Bujur Timur . Pusat gempa berada di arah 57 kilometer barat daya Pariaman, Sumatera Barat.

Guncangan gempa juga dirasakan hingga Padang Sidempuan, Sumatra Utara. Hal ini dibenarkan Hasibuan, warga Padang Sidempuan. Menurut dia, saat gempa, atap-atap rumah terlihat goyang. Warga panik dan keluar ke rumah. Kini, sebagian warga sudah ada yang sudah masuk ke rumah. Sebagian lainnya terlihat masih di jalanan karena khawatir terjadi gempa susulan. Menurut Hasibuan, sejauh ini lokasi di sekitar rumahnya di Padang Sidempuan, belum terlihat adanya kerusakan parah.

Sementara berdasarkan laporan Kantor Berita Antara, warga Kota Jambi dan sekitarnya juga dikejutkan oleh goncangan gempa. Guncangan yang menggetarkan lampu-lampu gantung tersebut membuat sejumlah warga berlarian keluar rumah untuk menyelamatkan diri.

Kepala Badan Meteorologi dan Klimatologi Geofisika Provinsi Jambi Remus L. Tobing membenarkan telah terjadi gempa dengan guncangan yang cukup kuat. Namun gempa tersebut tidak berpotensi tsunami. Belum diperoleh informasi adanya kerusakan atau korban akibat goncangan gempa yang juga dirasakan di sejumlah kabupaten di Jambi, Bengkulu dan Aceh

Sumber : TVOne dan MetroTV