Thursday, January 8, 2009

Soal Seks, Pria Asia Lebih "Hot"

TERNYATA pria Asia itu lebih vitalseksual dibanding pria bule. Jangan terkejut dulu. Itu kata hasil survei yang diadakan oleh Bayer Healthcare di Asia Pasifik. Survei itu melibatkan 5.010 pria dari Australia dan negara Asia, yakni Korea, Taiwan, Singapura, dan Malaysia.

Pria tergolong vitalseksual adalah pria berusia di atas 40 tahun yang percaya bahwa seks itu penting, ingin selalu memuaskan pasangan, menginginkan hubungan spontan, dan secara proaktif mengobati masalah agar dapat memiliki kehidupan seks yang prima.

Dari survei itu ditemukan bahwa di Amerika dan Eropa, pria yang memiliki profil vitalseksual hanya 18 persen dari populasi. Di Asia, pria di atas 40 tahun yang memiliki profil vitalseksual mencapai 42 persen, jauh lebih tinggi dibanding pria gabungan di benua Eropa dan Amerika.

Bagi empat dari lima pria Asia di atas usia 40 tahun, seks merupakan bagian penting dalam hidup dan 71 persen menganggap penting hubungan seks yang spontan. Kemudian, 9 dari 10 pria menganggap penting kepuasan pasangan dalam hubungan seks. Sekitar 60 persen dari mereka menyatakan akan menggunakan pengobatan untuk mengatasi masalah disfungsi ereksi.

Apakah berarti pria Asia lebih hot dibandingkan pria Kaukasia? “Dalam hal berhubungan seks, pria Asia dan Kaukasia sebetulnya sama saja. Tetapi, bagi orang Asia, seks itu penting sekali. Pria Asia merasa dirinya harus macho dan bisa mendominasi perempuan dalam hal berhubungan seks. Sebaliknya, bagi pria bule, itu tak terlalu penting. Mereka sangat jujur berkomunikasi dengan pasangan. Jika cinta, disfungsi ereksi bukan masalah besar. Mereka akan mencari pengobatan bersama,” ujar Dr. Naek L. Tobing, pakar seksologi.

Perihal kesehatan seksual, pria di atas 40 tahun di Jepang menjadi juara pertama. “Populasi pria Jepang yang diambil adalah kelompok senior, mereka yang sudah lanjut usia. Dari situ diketahui bahwa mereka masih mengalami ereksi yang sehat, pertanda kesehatan mereka secara umum masih sangat baik,” tutur dokter yang akan meluncurkan buku soal disfungsi ereksi ini.

Peringkat terakhir dalam survei ditempati oleh pria Cina. Bagaimana dengan pria Indonesia? Sayangnya, lelaki Indonesia tidak ikut serta dalam survei. Mungkin tak jauh beda ya dengan pria Asia lain.

Sumber :

You are responsible for the success of your job search. Other people can help you along the way, but ultimately it is up to you. Here are some tips on how to achieve your goal of getting a new job:

Stay positive
You can expect to sometimes have negative emotions during a long job search and it may seem difficult to remain positive.

Keep your spirits up by:

making sure you are still doing the things that relax you and make you happy such as exercise, spending time with friends and enjoying hobbies and interests.
taking time to dream. To offset some of the negative thoughts and feelings that may creep in when you've been job searching for a while, spend some time thinking about the future you would like to create for yourself.

joining a support group. Contact career advisors in private business, educational institutions and community organisations and ask for leads to support groups that can help you maintain a positive attitude.

setting up a positive support system. Talk to your family and friends and let them know what they can do. Work out who is prepared to support you and let them know what they can do to help. For example, you may need feedback on a cover letter, an opinion on interview clothes, childcare or just someone to talk to.

Be adaptable
Be open to the possibility that your next job might be two or three part-time jobs or contract work. Accept that the world of work has changed so that you don't shut yourself off from opportunities.

Think about the skills and expertise you can contribute to a potential employer's success, rather than a certain job title or role (for example, 'I'm a shoe salesperson'). Stay open to new ideas, think creatively and take risks.

Be persistent and patient
One of the main reasons people don't achieve their career objective is that they give up too early. Job searching is hard work and there are times when you will get discouraged.

If your search is not producing the results that you would like, avoid blaming yourself and try a different way of doing things.

Remember to also be patient. Your best efforts will not always produce immediate results. Don't take it personally when employers take their time in responding to your call or application - many are very busy.

Keep focused
Just about anything will sound better than looking for work, but don't get distracted.

Your priority is to find that new job. Be willing to explore and pursue every job lead, but focus your time and efforts on quality leads. The quality of leads and the quality of the effort matters more than the quantity.

Develop a routine
Work out a job search routine and stick to it. It will help you stay motivated and focused. If you are unemployed you may find it helpful to structure your day by:

developing a schedule and sticking to it
setting your alarm clock to get up
dressing like you would for work.
Plan your week
Set aside certain days, or certain hours of the day, for your job searching. Keep in mind the core business hours of the desired industry.

Be consistent in the amount of time you spend each week looking for a job. Regular effort is more likely to bring rewards.

Write 'to do' lists to keep you on target - a weekly one at the start of the week and a daily one every morning.

Prioritise, but ensure balance. On a typical day you should work on all parts of your job search (for example, generating new leads, following up leads, writing application letters and preparing for interviews).

You might find that you are more effective at some tasks at certain times of the day. For example, write application letters when your mind is fresh and energy levels high.

Set goals
Identify what you plan to accomplish. For example, if you set 9am to 12 noon Monday for responding to weekend newspaper advertisements, your goal could be to write five letters of application. Tuesday morning's goal could be registering with four labour hire companies, and 1pm to 4pm may be scheduled for making direct telephone contacts.

Be realistic, but challenge yourself. When you set a schedule make sure it is one that can be achieved. As you perform your tasks you will feel a sense of control and accomplishment.

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